Our Featured ProgramsABS offers 4 main programs. All can be customized to fit a client's needs: Purpose-Driven Leadership - Provides aspiring leaders the time and structure to clearly define their purpose, vision, and action plan for reaching their goals. Participants gain clarity, confidence, and intangible leadership qualities that inspire others to follow. Sharpening the Edge - Provides the essential business leadership tool kit for all first line supervisors and managers. The program is especially geared for helping newly transitioning "MVPs" become coaches. Leader of Leaders Executive Development - Participants learn how to think strategically, apply advanced business management skills, and gain a clear understanding of their preferred organizational leadership style. This program experience is ideal for seasoned professionals in mid-to-senior level roles, responsible for setting a team's direction and delivering results through others. The ABS Experience - Provides leadership teams a blend of team building, strategic planning, and an “All American” feel that few will ever forget. Each program is uniquely designed based on our client's needs and is researched prior to the event. As part of the day’s activities, participants experience a private guided tour of the United States Military Academy at West Point with time to reflect how to incorporate lessons within their own business settings.
*We also offer customized solutions for strategic planning and team building sessions.